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We provide services, systems and comprehensive solutions for the mining, process, manufacturing, and construction industries. We strive to exceed customer expectations through long-term collaboration, established engineering, and efficient methods.
We create added value for our customers in the fields of hydropower, nuclear, and thermal energy. We understand the needs of our customers and leverage our expertise and energy to develop technical solutions that exceed their requirements. We use efficient methods, established engineering, and custom tools – all for the benefit of our customers.
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Koordinering av informationsmodeller
Med ovanstående rubrik syftar vi till processen som skapar projektinformationen (BIM, CAE, CAD mm), alltså arbetet, kunskapen, metoden och verktygen med vilkas hjälp vi skapar ett resultat, alltså en informationsmodell eller en layout över den aktuella anläggnignen. Vi behärskar modellhanteringen men vår styrka ligger i framställandet.
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